Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

During your first Consultation, we will dig deeper into your issues, explore your goals and respond in more detail to your questions,  including any you may have about hypnosis.

It’s also important that you submit your Client Intake Form at least 24 hours prior to your Session because we will go through it in more detail the first time we meet.

This is important because this information allows us to start designing a  program which meets your individual needs.

Your initial Consultation is often longer than other sessions because this is where you tell us your Story in more detail.

This is your time, time that you have set aside just for you – with no interruptions.   So please expect it to be at least one and half hours.   This is also a time to talk through and set some realistic goals that are achievable for you and start to set you up for success.

Depending on how much time we spend going through the above issues,  you will have the opportunity to also experience a brief Hypnotherapy session.




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